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The laughing cow #antiroutine + refinery29



Routine. Also known as “sameness” or “monotony.” It’s an act or behavior done so often, we become numb to the repetition. It becomes molded into our lives. How do we expect to live exciting, fulfilling and unconventional lives if we do the same things every day? With our primary KPI of engagement, we set out to create a program that could inspire a campaign I created titled, #AntiRoutine - a movement to drive women to take action toward a less mundane, more #AntiRoutine life.


We created a mix of nearly 40 pieces of custom content with Refinery29 and Spotify, which offered unique creative approaches. We worked with 3 influencers a and created custom articles, memes, illustrated features contributing to the larger message of ditching routine, trying something new, and empowering yourself with attainable changes.


Campaign outperformed all benchmarks driving 1.6MM engagements, 2.9MM views with significant lifts in Awareness (4%), Unaided Awareness (8%) and Opinion (10%) among relevant audiences.


Publisher Partner: Refinery29

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